Comet's Blazing Love (Holliday Islands Resort Book 5) Read online

Page 7

  “Thank you for laying out my tuxedo, James,” Blake said, as he headed towards his bathroom. “You can take the rest of the night off. I’ll be gone all evening.”

  “As you wish, Mr. Holliday.”

  Blake trimmed his dark beard and mustache down to the thin layer he liked to leave, brushed his teeth, then took a shower. He hopped out, feeling refreshed. He made his way back into his bedroom and headed over to his bed where his tuxedo had been neatly laid out. To his surprise, the tux along with his bed, was completely disheveled. He reached out to touch it, and realized it was wet to the touch.

  “What the heck happened here?” Blake mumbled to himself in confusion. Then he inhaled the distinct scent of dog urine, and he knew exactly what happened.

  “Comet!” he yelled out in anger, looking around the room in frustration. The kennel door was open, which meant Comet had escaped and was hiding somewhere in his suite again. What was with this dog? He was like Houdini, always disappearing without warning.

  Blake was supposed to be meeting Peyton in the lobby in a half hour. What was he going to do? He pulled out his phone and texted James, telling him he needed him to come back. Luckily, James hadn’t gone far and was able to return quickly.

  “What am I going to do, James? I’m supposed to be downstairs in twenty minutes. I don’t want to make Peyton wait.”

  “I can press a second tuxedo for you, Mr. Holliday.”

  “You can do that?”

  “Yes, we have an iron. It comes standard in all the rooms, but I’ve never had to use it since I have the staff do it down in the laundry.”

  “I’m sorry about this, James.”

  “It’s alright, Mr. Holliday, it’s not your fault. It’s that little beast’s fault,” he said, before heading towards James’ walk-in closet.

  “While you’re pressing my tuxedo, I’ll look for him,” Blake shouted as he started making his way around the room. By the time James was finished, however, Blake had no luck finding the dog. As his valet helped him slip his suit on, he gave James the bad news. “You’re going to have to find him again, James. Plus, I need you to have housekeeping come up and change my sheets and comforter. I know it’s a lot to ask after last time, but Peyton swears it’s going to get better.”

  “It’s like having a baby, Mr. Holliday. A noisy, smelly, misbehaving baby.”

  “I know, and we can discuss it later, but right now I have to go or I’m going to be late.”

  James nodded, watching as Blake rushed out the door. A few minutes later, he arrived barely on time to meet Peyton. She looked breathtaking in the red Versace gown he picked out for her. Paired with black Louis Vuitton stilettos and a crystal Prada clutch, she could hold her own with any celebrity, billionaire’s wife, or socialite he had ever met.

  “You look spectacular,” he declared, reaching out and spinning her around.

  “Thanks to you. I can’t believe you picked all of this out and had it shipped over from Donner Island.”

  “What can I say, one of the perks of having a brother with a massive, luxury shopping island is I can pretty much get whatever I want within minutes with one quick phone call.”

  “Must be nice to be a Holliday,” she mused with a shake of her head. “I can’t even imagine living like this all the time.”

  “You have an unlimited expense account my father gave you. Why don’t you use it more often?”

  “I do, for the island,” Peyton explained.

  “I meant for yourself.”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t feel right about that. I mean, when I first got here, I did order a winter weather outerwear set, but that was a necessity for when I traveled between the buildings. I wouldn’t feel right ordering anything for me personally.”

  “Then I guess I will just have to keep doing it for you,” Blake promised. “You deserve to have all the finest things in life, Peyton.”

  Her cheeks flushed pink. “That’s sweet of you to say.” Gesturing towards him, she changed the subject by saying, “You clean up pretty well yourself. All I’ve ever seen you in is workout clothes or jeans and a t-shirt.”

  “What can I say, I like to be casual most of the time, but growing up a Holliday, I had to know how to dress the part when the occasion called for it. Our first date is one of those times.”

  Peyton quirked one of her eyebrows. “Our first date? Is that what this is?”

  “You better believe it. I don’t want there to be any misunderstandings about what is going on between us,” Blake stated firmly, pulling her towards him. “And let me be clear, there is something going on between us.” He leaned down and kissed her on the mouth, not caring who saw it.

  Peyton stepped back, glancing around. Obviously, she did care. “What’s wrong?” he questioned.

  “I just don’t want to make a spectacle of us,” she whispered.

  “I don’t care if the whole world sees,” Blake countered.

  They climbed on his seaplane and headed to Dancer Island. They arrived at another waiting Land Rover, which took them to a massive theater.

  “What are we doing here?” Peyton probed.

  “You’ll see,” he said, hopping out of the car, and pulling her along with him. “It’s a surprise.”

  They made their way inside to an empty modern theater. The curtain was closed, and Peyton looked utterly confused as to why they were there. “What’s going on?”

  “I asked my brother, Dancer, to set up a private showing of his Nutcracker performance. Everyone is raving about it, and I wanted us to see it, without any interruptions or distractions.”

  He pulled her down to the front row and they took their seats in the center of it. The lights dimmed and the familiar classical music began to play. Ballerinas, men in soldier costumes, and the Mouse King all took their turns on the stage, dancing around and performing one of the best renditions of the ballet Blake had ever seen, and he’d seen a few in his day.

  “That was amazing,” Peyton gushed. “I can’t believe how wonderful that all was.”

  “Glad you liked it. We need to get going if we’re going to make it to our next destination on time.”

  “What’s next?”

  “We’ve already established you’re not afraid of heights. I could tell when you were in my plane. So, I decided to bring you here.” Blake gestured to a giant indoor roller coaster with lots of loops, corkscrews, and hills.

  Peyton’s eyes grew wide with fear. “I don’t think so, I didn’t even like those when I was a kid,” she said, turning around to rush away.

  He reached out and grabbed her wrist to stop her. “Come on, you’re not chicken, are you?”

  “No, I’m just not an idiot. One of two things is going to happen, I’m going to have a heart attack from the fright, or I’m going to fall out of it and plummet to my death.”

  “First off, you’re in way too good of shape to have a heart attack. Second, my brother has his best mechanics inspect every inch of this ride multiple times a day. It’s the safest roller coaster in the world. Besides, I’ll be right next to you the whole time,” he said, stretching out his hand to her.

  Peyton let out a heavy sigh, then placed her hand in his. “Fine, but if I die, it’s all your fault.”

  “I take full responsibility, but it’s not going to happen,” he promised.

  As they got close to the front of the ride, Peyton turned to Blake and asked, “Where’s the line?”

  “My brother closed it down for an hour for us. We get the front and can go as many times as we want.”

  “Let’s just start with one time,” Peyton said with reservation.

  They climbed into the front two bucket seats. The shoulder harness came down and fastened into the bar between their legs.

  “You ready for this?” Blake asked with excitement as he reached out and squeezed her hand with his.

  The train of cars shot off a moment later, causing them to be pushed back against their seats. The ride dipped and turned, twisted and flipped, and
by the end they were both out of breath from the thrill of it.

  “What did you think? You want to go again?”

  “Will you hate me if I say no?” Peyton said, biting her lip. “I honestly thought I was going to be sick a few times.”

  “Of course not. I’m just happy you tried it once with me. After all, I told you I was going to show you more adventure while you were on the islands.”

  “You did indeed,” she said, climbing out of the bucket seat, and patting her hair back into place. “I never thought I would see the day when I would wear a Versace gown on a roller coaster.”

  They made their way back onto the promenade in the entertainment district. “What should we do next?” Peyton asked with excitement.

  “I have plans back on my island,” Blake explained. “But we don’t have to go right now. Anything you want to do; my brother Dancer can make happen VIP style.”

  “Or, we can just pretend to be a normal couple and roam around incognito,” Peyton suggested.

  “Normal couple? I’m a Holliday. We don’t do normal,” Blake explained. “I’m not even sure what normal would look like.”

  “Let me show you,” she said, pointing to a big man in a red velvet suit with white fur trim. “Let’s go tell Santa what we want for Christmas.”

  “I already have it,” Blake said, looking at her directly. “I don’t need anything else.”

  “Come on, there’s always something more to want.”

  “Fine, lead the way,” Blake conceded, knowing she would just keep pestering him until he gave in. “I’m not even sure why my brother has a Santa at the resort since we don’t cater to kids.”

  “Because at Christmas time, everyone’s a kid at heart,” Peyton pointed out. “Plus, I heard he’s shooting a reality show with Santas in it right now.”

  They waited in the line like a regular couple of Joes, to Blake’s irritation. He couldn’t remember the last time he had to wait in a line. The only thing that made it bearable was being able to watch Peyton marvel at the decorations as they did. Luckily, Santa wasn’t all that appealing to the adults at the resort, so there was only one couple ahead of them.

  “I’ll go first.” Peyton sat on Santa’s lap, leaned over, and whispered in his ear what she wanted. To Blake’s complete astonishment, Santa nodded his head, patted Peyton on the bottom, and whispered something back, causing her to laugh. Then out of the blue, he placed a kiss on her lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and for a moment, Blake wondered if Peyton had a crush on Santa.

  Blake was about to punch Santa in the face for kissing his girl, but before he could defend Peyton’s honor, she stood up and moved away. “Your turn.”

  Blake made it clear he had his limits. “Just so you know, I’m not sitting on his lap. I don’t need a repeat performance of what I just witnessed. I have a good mind to tell my brother about it.” He walked over, leaned towards the bearded man that somehow looked vaguely familiar. “I want to find a way to honor my mother’s memory while pleasing my father.”

  “I think you can do that, Comet. All the “Reindeer Brothers” are very determined young men,” Santa said with a wink from above his fake beard. Immediately, Blake realized it was his older brother, Dancer.

  “What on earth are you doing in that costume?”

  “Did you actually think I would have a Santa helping guests on my island?” Dancer teased Blake. “Peyton told me she knew you were making plans to come over when she overheard you this morning on the phone with me. We cooked this prank up together, little brother.”

  “I can’t believe you did all of this to get me,” Blake mused with a chuckle. “I really thought you were the worst Santa I’d ever seen.”

  “Have a fun rest of the day, little brother,” Dancer said with a chuckle. Then looking over at Peyton, he added, “This one’s a keeper by the way. Any woman that can pull one over on a Holliday man is well worth the effort.”

  Once they were alone, Blake turned to Peyton and shook his head. “That was…awesome! My brothers and I grew up playing pranks on each other. I can’t believe you planned that with him. I honestly thought I was going to knock him out when he kissed you. Come to think of it, I still just might.”

  “Don’t be mad at him. It was all my idea. He didn’t even want to do the kiss, but I told him it would push you over the edge.”

  “Honestly, that’s what surprised me the most. Dancer’s pretty dull; I would’ve never expected it from him. He usually refrained from the pranks growing up, unless he was forced into it.”

  “He didn’t seem so dull to me,” Peyton pointed out.

  “That speaks more to who you are than him. You have a way with the Holliday men, it seems.”

  “There’s only one that matters to me, though,” she said, reaching out and placing her hand on his chest. She looked up into his eyes and he could tell she wanted him to kiss her, and he would have, if he didn’t see Step-Monster in the distance.

  He grabbed Peyton around the waist and yanked her backwards towards the side of one of the store fronts. He placed his index finger over his mouth, gesturing for her to be quiet. Luckily, Mara hadn’t seen him yet, which meant he could avoid her.

  Drats. She was still coming this way. Blake glanced behind him and saw the door for the store was ajar. He moved backwards, pulling Peyton along with him. He watched as Mara glided by. She had a determined look on her face, and he realized, she might have been looking for Dancer since he was just with them.

  Once she was good and gone, Blake relaxed and turned to face Peyton. “Sorry about that.”

  “What on earth was that all about?” Peyton questioned with shocked confusion.

  “Just the worst possible person to run into. You would be better off going your whole life without meeting my Step-Monster.”

  “She’s here,” Peyton said, moving forward and glancing out the window. “I’ve only seen pictures on social media. Is she as pretty in person as she is plastered all over the internet?”

  “Mara should be, for all of my dad’s money she’s spent on plastic surgery, and fancy creams and treatments. I swear, she nearly bankrupted the family ten times over.”

  “She probably has a spending problem. You know there’s an addiction gene for that,” Peyton pointed out.

  “Yes, it’s called being a gold-digger,” Blake stated snidely.

  “Are you here for the next dance session?” a voice said from behind them.

  Blake and Peyton spun around to find a beautiful brunette woman standing in a black, fringed dance dress.

  “Yes, yes we are,” Peyton declared to Blake’s utter dismay. There was no way she was going to get him to dance. Flashes of cotillion came flooding back, and Blake was ready to bolt. The problem was, Peyton had her arm firmly wrapped through his, and she wasn’t letting him go anywhere.

  * * *

  “This is going to be so much fun,” Peyton declared as they followed the brunette woman into the other room. “I love to dance.”

  Blake leaned over and whispered, “Peyton, you really don’t want to see me dance. I have two left-feet.”

  “Stop exaggerating, you’re a Holliday. You can’t be all that bad. Aren’t you all raised to go to social events?”

  “Yes, and I’m warning you now, I was the worst dancer of all my brothers.”

  “You can’t be. You’re an athlete, which means you’re naturally good on your feet.”

  “Yes, at running, not dancing. Your toes are going to regret this decision.”

  “Thank you for joining us, everyone,” the brunette woman said with a raise of her hand, obviously not recognizing Blake as one of the Hollidays. “Please turn and face your partner. We are going to start with the simple pattern of the Waltz.”

  Blake took Peyton into his arms and held her to his frame. He took a deep breath as the music began to softly play in the background. The instructor started counting. It seemed Blake remembered the steps from the dance as well as the direction he was s
upposed to go in, keeping him from bumping into other couples. It didn’t, however, save Peyton’s toes from the numerous times he stepped on them. Each time he uttered an “I’m sorry,” she braced herself for the next one. The song ended and Peyton gingerly lifted her foot up to rub her toes. “I think you’re right. We finally found something that Blake ‘The Blazing Comet’ Holliday isn’t good at.”

  “I tried to warn you. Can we go then?” Blake pleaded.

  She nodded. “I don’t think my toes could take another dance.”

  “Good, I have an amazing surprise for you back at my island anyway.”

  They left Dancer Island and flew back to Blake’s place. Once there, he said, “I hope you’re hungry.”

  “I’m famished.”

  “Then I have the perfect place. The remodel is finally finished, and I had them keep it a secret from you.”

  “Where is it?” she asked, thinking she knew every speck of Comet Island.

  “Up,” he revealed in one word.

  They took the elevator to the rooftop where Blake had made an open-air restaurant. There were several fire pits and heating lamps throughout the area to keep it warm. Blake guided her over to a set of lounge chairs and sofas. He took a seat on the sofa and pulled her down beside him. He placed a white, faux fur blanket across their laps as she cuddled in beside him.

  “I can’t believe you did all of this without me knowing,” Peyton marveled.

  “I decided to make this place in honor of my mother. Her two favorite things in the world were the stars and cooking. This combines them both,” he whispered against her cheek.

  “It’s beautiful,” Peyton said, glancing around. “Where is everyone else? Where are the servers?”

  “I wanted you to be the first person to experience it with no one else here. I have Chef Breole in the back, who agreed to come early for this, and one server. That’s it.”

  “Where’s the menu?” she probed further.

  “We’re having a seven-course tasting dinner with a wine-pairing, so don’t worry about ordering.”


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