Comet's Blazing Love (Holliday Islands Resort Book 5) Read online

Page 6

  “You grew up here?” Peyton whispered, questioning in awe.

  He nodded. “Don’t be fooled. It wasn’t as great as you might think.”

  “There you are,” the familiar booming voice of Gordon Holliday said, as a dark-haired man with a hint of frost at his temples came into view from behind the staircase. “I thought I heard voices.”

  Gordon came up and patted Blake on the back. “I’m glad you made it.”

  “I said I would.”

  “Yes, you did.” Then glancing over at Peyton, he stuck out his hand to her. “You must be Peyton Belmont.”

  “I am,” she said, taking his hand in hers and shaking it. “Pleased to meet you, sir.”

  “Please, call me Gordon. Sir makes me sound old.”

  “I hate to break it to you, Dad, but you are old.”

  “See what I get with nine boys? Nothing but constant shade being thrown my way.”

  “Were you watching MTV again, Dad? I told you to stop doing that,” Blake razed.

  “Boys, that’s enough of that,” a pretty blonde woman, who looked to be in her mid-forties came into view. “It’s Thanksgiving, which means we should be on our best behavior.”

  The regal woman came forward, a warm smile on her face. “You must be Peyton Belmont. I’m Evelyn Reese,” she said, reaching out. “I’m an investor in the resort, so Mr. Holliday offered for me to spend Thanksgiving with the family.”

  “How nice of him,” Peyton said, returning the smile. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Likewise,” she returned, “the meal is still being prepared, but we can visit in the formal living room while we wait.”

  “Plenty of drinks, too. What are you having, Miss Belmont?” Gordon asked.

  “Oh, no, if I’m calling you Gordon, you have to call me Peyton,” she corrected.

  “All right, what are you having, Peyton?”

  They entered the room and sat down on the white, leather sofa and chairs. “I’ll have a Malibu and Coke.” It was the only drink she could think of, from her college days, as she didn’t drink often anymore. Everyone gave her a funny look, and she quickly realized that she must have ordered something cheap. Well, the damage was done, and she couldn’t take it back. Besides, she liked the way the sweet drink tasted, probably more than whatever posh bottle of booze they had behind the bar.

  “We don’t have Malibu here,” the bartender said, not in a condescending way, but as if he was trying to think of what to do.

  “Just substitute the Malibu for the El Dorado Grand Special Reserve,” Blake suggested. He leaned over and whispered in Peyton’s ear, “It’s a fancy rum. My dad doesn’t keep anything in the house that’s less than $1000 a bottle, which is ironic because he’s never here. He stays on his yacht most of the time to avoid Step-Monster.”

  Peyton had to squeeze her lips tightly shut to not laugh at what Blake just revealed. What kind of life, to hide out from an ex on a yacht, while keeping an unused mansion stocked with outrageously expensive supplies?

  “I’ll have another pomegranate mimosa,” Evelyn said, loud enough for the bartender to hear.

  “My boy and I will both have a Macallan, neat,” Gordon ordered.

  The bartender set about his job making the drinks. Everyone talked about the islands and how each one was coming along.

  “So, when is everyone else getting here?” Blake asked, glancing around. “I would have thought they would already be here.”

  “Prancer will be here later, but for now I want to talk about your plans to stay on the island,” Gordon explained. “It’s why I asked you here early.”

  “You ambushed me?” Blake accused in anger. “I’m the only one here?”

  “I just want to make sure that after the reveal of the new rebrand of Comet Island, you aren’t planning to run back to Madrid.”

  Blake’s eyes narrowed into angry slits as he leaned forward. “Do I have a choice?”

  “Not if you want to keep your trust fund,” Gordon threatened.

  “You know I don’t care about that. I have plenty of my own money,” Blake countered.

  “I do, but I was hoping you would want to stay because you care about your island. You’ve done so much good for it since you’ve been back.”

  Blake seemed to relax a bit. His eyes softened as he leaned back into the sofa. “You mean that?”

  “I do. I’m proud of you, Comet. You’ve done right by your island.”

  “Thanks, Dad. It means a lot to hear you say that.”

  They finished their drinks just in time for an early lunch. They made their way into the dining room where they all sat down and ate. The gourmet meal was delicious, and though Peyton didn’t know what eighty percent of it was, she was full and content by the end of it.

  Evelyn pulled Peyton aside as she was putting her coat back on. “Is there something going on between you and Comet? I’ve noticed the two of you stealing glances at each other all afternoon.”

  Peyton glanced across the entry where Blake was talking to his father. Did she want to admit out loud that she did indeed have feelings for Blake? Would that change things for her? Deciding to take a chance, she nodded. “I’m not even sure how it happened, but I’m into Blake. I think he likes me too.”

  “Then you should go for it,” Evelyn encouraged. “Don’t hold back. Mix a little pleasure with business.”

  Peyton didn’t say it to the other woman, but it had already been happening. Ever since the day they went out to lunch together to go over the menus, Peyton considered every minute she spent with Blake pleasure.

  “It’s time to go,” Blake said, reaching out and placing his hand at the small of Peyton’s back and guiding her out the door.

  The driver took them back to Blake’s seaplane and before she knew it, they were back in the air.

  “Before we head back to my island, I have a surprise for you,” Blake said with a grin. “Do you know how to ride horses?”

  “I created a wellness center in Texas, and horses were a huge part of it. So, to answer your question, yes, I can ride.”

  “Good, you need to for what we are doing next.”

  Chapter 6

  Prancer Island was an equestrian’s dream.

  “I have so many clients that would absolutely love the place,” Peyton marveled. “There’s every piece of equipment one could think of for riding and taking care of a horse, plus a few extras I’ve never heard of. Your brother did an amazing job with this place.”

  “That’s Prancer alright, always exceeding everyone’s expectations. Dad won’t admit it, but Prancer’s his favorite. Prancer pushes himself to be the best at everything he touches, without Dad having to say a word. It’s why he won the World Championship in Dressage.”

  “Wow, two champion athletes in the same family. That’s a mighty big accomplishment.”

  “That’s the Hollidays for you, always out doing each other, especially when it comes to awards and accolades.” He glanced around for his brother and shook his head. “I’d introduce you, but Prancer must be busy getting ready for his big Christmas show he’s having this year.”

  They took a pair of mares from the luxurious stables and mounted the horses. Since the weather was halfway decent today, he wanted to ride out in the snow rather than stay inside the indoor riding arena.

  Peyton had a tight hold on her reins, and she was looking back and forth on both sides of her horse with a worried expression.

  “Is something wrong?” Blake probed.

  “Not exactly, I’ve just never ridden a horse in the snow before. It feels odd every time she steps in the snow. It feels unsteady.”

  “You’re fine, just relax,” Blake coaxed. “Your horse can feel your tension. It’s making her nervous.”

  “She’s just not moving the way I’m used to,” Peyton complained. “I don’t want to fall.”

  “You won’t. Prancer’s horses are immaculately trained.”

  “How can you be so relaxed like that?�
� Peyton accused.

  “My older brothers and I grew up riding horses here. My mom loved them, and we continued even after she died—despite Step-Monster calling them beastly.”

  There was a loud crackling noise behind them. Blake glanced backwards to find a tree branch falling to the ground. The loud noise spooked both their horses. Blake was able to get his horse under control, but Peyton’s was shuffling her feet.

  “Whoa,” her voice shrilled out as her eyes grew wide with fright, but it was already too late. When a second, larger branch followed the first one to the ground, it caused the horse to rear up, unseating Peyton. She went flying up in the air, and then came tumbling down. She hit the ground, causing snow to puff up in the air and come down on top of her.

  Blake jumped off his horse and hurried to her side. “Are you okay?” When she didn’t respond immediately, he knelt down beside her. Though she looked miserable being covered in the snow, he was glad to see at least it cushioned her fall. He reached out his hand to touch the side of her arm. “Peyton, are you hurt?”

  Her eyes blinked rapidly, and her expression shifted quickly from startled, to embarrassed, to upset. “Not exactly, I have snow everywhere! In places I didn’t even know it could go.”

  Blake couldn’t help himself, he started to laugh, imagining the cold, wet substance coating her body.

  She swatted at him, saying, “It’s not funny.”

  “I’m sorry, I can’t help it. You look so adorable lying in the snow—like a little kid trying to make a snow angel.”

  “I’ll show you a snow angel,” she snapped out, grabbing him by the arm, and yanking him towards her.

  He came tumbling down to the ground beside her. “Great, now we both have snow in places we never wanted.”

  “Ah, what’s wrong, not liking the snow any more than I do now?” Peyton mocked, turning over to face him.

  He turned so he could see her, reaching out his gloved hand and placing it on her cheek. “At the moment, I don’t mind it so much.”

  “Glad to hear it,” she whispered, leaning into his hand.

  Blake scooted towards Peyton until they were only inches apart. She was so close, he could swear he could hear her heart beating rapidly in rhythm with his own. Her gorgeous, green eyes were sparkling, and he saw his own desire reflected back. He closed the final distance between them, then let his mouth find hers. When she didn’t pull away, he deepened the kiss, wrapping his free arm around her. It was like lighting a bonfire. They were combustible, which was an odd sensation since they were covered in snow. Every inch of him was burning, blazing out of control until it was like an inferno was consuming him.

  Peyton pulled back slightly, her breath catching in her throat as she said, “I could do that all day.” Glancing around, she added, “Well, maybe not in the snow. I’m getting soaked to the bone.” As if to make her point, she began to shiver. Blake realized he needed to get her indoors before she caught a cold.

  He stood up from the ground, then pulled her up beside him. He couldn’t help himself; he leaned over and kissed her pretty pink lips a second time. “You said we could do that all day once we were out of the snow.”

  “Oh, you, don’t use my words against me.” She pushed him away with a smirk. Blake stumbled back. Unable to stop himself, he fell backwards and landed in the snow again.

  She let out a laugh as he laid there stunned. “You just pushed me into the snow.”

  “No, I pushed you away. You fell into the snow all on your own. Maybe I should just leave you there to teach you a lesson,” she teased.

  “Only if you end up down here with me,” he said, grabbing her hand and pulling her on top of him. He leaned up and claimed her mouth for a third time. He could definitely get used to kissing Peyton Belmont, but just like before, he could feel wetness from the snow creeping into all sorts of places he didn’t like. “I hate to say it, but you’re right. We need to get out of here.” He lifted her up by the waist and set her to the side, then scurried up beside her. “But I promise you, as soon as I get you back to my island, I’m continuing where we left off.”

  * * *

  The ride home on the plane was cozy and quick. Several times Blake reached out and brushed her hand with his, explaining the different instruments. Each time, a warm tingling sensation shot up Peyton’s arm. Now that he started whatever was going on between them physically, she couldn’t keep from wanting more of it. She found herself looking for reasons to touch him in return.

  They arrived back at the hotel and made their way to the elevator. “Can I see you to your room?” Blake offered.

  Suddenly, Peyton remembered the dog. “Tempting as that is, we need to go check on Comet.”

  “I forgot about him,” Blake confessed. “I suppose you’re right.”

  They made their way to the top floor of the hotel and walked down the long hall until they reached his suite. James was sitting at the table, his arms folded across his chest as he stared at the crate in anger.

  “What’s wrong?” Blake asked with concern.

  “That dog needs to go back from wherever he came,” James stated adamantly. “He’s a menace.”

  “What happened?” Peyton probed with dread, knowing she wasn’t going to like whatever the valet was about to say.

  “It took me an hour to find him. He was hiding in the back corner of your closet.”

  “Well, that doesn’t seem so bad,” Blake said with a shrug.

  “He wasn’t the only thing I found in the back corner of your closet. He left a present there as well; a very stinky, disgusting present that I had to use gloves to clean up,” James snapped out. “He is a very poorly trained dog, if you ask me.”

  “Comet was just scared,” Peyton defended. “You can’t blame him, considering he’s in a new place with strangers. Blake, he just needs to get to know us and then he’ll settle into a good routine.” Glancing in the kennel, she added, “We should probably take him for a walk in the indoor gardens I had put around the wellness center.” She grabbed the nearby leash for good measure, knowing that Comet could take off if he got scared again.

  “I suppose you’re right,” Blake conceded. “Thank you for watching him, James.”

  Peyton could have sworn she heard James mumble dog-sitting wasn’t part of his job description, but before she could question him about it, Blake was whisking her out of the suite.

  They made their way over to the wellness center via the mono-rail Gordon Holliday had placed on each of the islands. Once there, they walked the perimeter of the gardens. “This was a good idea.”

  “What was? Taking Comet for a walk?”

  “No, I could do without that,” Blake said with a chuckle. “I mean, the gardens. It will be nice for the guests to be able to look out at them when they are having sessions in the center.”

  “And the therapist can use the gardens for sessions too. There’s nothing more relaxing than having the sun on your face while you inhale the scent of fresh flowers. With the glass covering the area, we can control the gardens like a greenhouse all year round.”

  “You really have thought of everything,” Blake admitted. “My dad was right for hiring you.”

  “Wow, I never thought I would hear you admit that.”

  “I never thought I would find a woman I like to kiss so much, in the most unexpected way,” he said, reaching out and pulling her towards him.

  The movement must have spooked Comet, because he yanked against his leash. She wasn’t ready for it, and before she knew what was happening, Comet was running off again.

  “Blast that dog!” Blake shouted in anger.

  Peyton took off after him, but every time she got close, he took off again. “Cut him off from the other direction,” Peyton shouted from one end of the garden.

  Blake did as she suggested, and a little over a half hour later, they finally caught the little rascal.

  They were all exhausted by the end of it, and Comet conked out in Payton’s arms. She realiz
ed there would be no continuing their kissing session from earlier. It would just have to wait until tomorrow. Hopefully, Blake would still want her as much then as he did today.

  Chapter 7

  All night, Blake couldn’t help but think about Peyton and their shared kisses. He had wanted to continue where they left off, but Comet had to go and ruin the rest of the night. What kind of emotional support dog was he? Shouldn’t he be helping Blake land Peyton, not getting in the way of their budding relationship?

  Peyton had arrived early the next morning, and Blake thought she was there to continue where they left off. Instead, she was there to dump Comet on him, explaining she had back-to-back appointments she couldn’t get out of for the wellness center.

  Deciding he wasn’t going to let a dog get the best of him, he spent all morning making plans to take Peyton on the best date of her life. He was going to pull out all the stops, and by the end of it, he hoped she would know how much he cared for her.

  When he texted her to make her afternoon free, she had balked at the request.

  “Don’t tell me you’re too busy. Technically, I’m your boss, so I can tell you what to do.”

  “Oh, can you, now? I’ll have you know, I report directly to Mr. Holliday. You are not the boss of me, Blake.”

  “I was kidding, Peyton. Of course, I know that. You think I would actually try to tell you to do anything? You’ve out maneuvered me every step of this rebranding. I know I’m no match for you.”

  “Are you sure? Maybe, you’re the exact right match for me. I’ll see you in a little bit.”

  Her final text made his mind wander in all sorts of tantalizing directions as he got ready for their first official date. Had he met his match in Peyton? Was she the right woman for him? She definitely kept him on his toes, and he loved how smart and funny she was, not to mention, drop-dead gorgeous.


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