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The Billionaire's Christmas (Second Chance Islands Book 4) Read online

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  “So, Peyton, you never told me why you came to the class today. What’s up?” Blake inquired.

  “Oh, my goodness,” she glanced down at her Fitbit watch. “I almost forgot. We have the new instructors arriving.”

  “What new instructors?” Blake asked in confusion.

  “I hired some fitness coaches with well-known profiles on social media. They’re going to give us some desperately needed exposure in the fitness world and teach the new classes we’re going to add. After looking at the gym’s offerings, I realized that we needed to add some alternative classes. You have plenty for guys like you who live and breathe exercise, but we need to have different choices for people who are coming here to learn about fitness or even recovering from an illness. They need less strenuous options.”

  “What kind of classes are you talking about?” Danny asked with genuine interest.

  “Ones that aren’t high impact on the body. For example, sunrise yoga, soul cycling, dance fitness, and water aerobics.”

  Danny nodded in approval. “Those actually make sense. I could see a lot of guests liking those options.”

  Blake could see that Peyton was waiting to see his reaction. He didn’t want to keep her in suspense. “I agree. That’s a great idea, Peyton. When do they arrive?”


  The pile of new instructor sat around the conference room inside the hotel. Peyton figured it would be better to meet in a private environment where they could go over the amenities of the resort, expectations at work and while off-duty, as well as what they were expected to do during the remodeling and rebranding of the island.

  What Peyton didn’t account for was the instructors’ near-worship like reactions to Blake as he walked into the room. The men were reaching out to shake his hand, going over his stats from the Olympics while the women were fawning all over him. The worst of them was the red-headed yoga instructor, Joelle Sanders, who made it clear she was interested in Blake as more than a boss.

  “Mr. Witlock, I can’t believe I’m getting the chance to finally meet you. I mean, I’ve followed you on social media ever since I won my first cheerleading competition when I was in high school,” the twenty-two-year-old influencer gushed, placing her hand on Blake’s arm. “I think if we did a few posts together, we could boost both our followings to the next level.”

  Peyton wanted to slap the woman’s hand off of Blake, along with the smug look on her face. When she had hired the woman, she had no idea she was the type to make a play for her boss. It wouldn’t have bothered Peyton as much a few days ago, since she would have been grateful for Blake to be distracted by the other woman, but now that she had gotten to know Blake, she didn’t want that type of woman getting her claws into him. If she were honest with herself, it was also more than just that. She also didn’t like seeing any woman flirt with Blake, let alone one like the vapid airhead in front of her. It made her jealous, which was a surprising and unsettling realization. What did that mean? Was she starting to have feelings for Blake, and could it happen that suddenly? She’d always found him attractive, but he’s egotistical, domineering ways had put her off, making her forget about it until she was alone with him at breakfast the other day, and then earlier in the gym office. As he let down his walls and she got to know him, she realized he was actually a nice guy. Was that why feelings were starting to manifest for her?

  “I guess we could do that,” Blake said with a shrug. “What did you have in mind? A few videos while we’re working out in the gym?”

  “Oh, it doesn’t have to be in the gym,” Joelle cooed with a wink as she placed her hand on his chest. “I’m sure we can find a much more private place to go over what we plan to post.”

  Blake’s eyebrows shot up in surprise and he glanced around the room as if he didn’t know what to do. His eyes met Peyton’s and he genuinely looked uncomfortable with Joelle’s obvious advances.

  Peyton decided it was time to intervene. “Joelle, Mr. Witlock and I need to be heading to our next appointment. Please excuse us,” she said, gently grabbing Blake’s arm and pulling him away from the other woman.

  “Once they were safely out of the conference room where no one could hear them, Blake said, “Thanks for the intervention. I wasn’t sure how I was going to get away from her.”

  “Does that happen often?”

  “Far more than I like. People don’t really see me as a person, just as a sports icon or a dollar sign.”

  “That must be hard,” Peyton acknowledged. “You don’t deserve to be treated that way.”

  “So, do we really have an appointment, or was that just an excuse to help me escape?” Blake probed.

  “We really do have somewhere to be. We need to head over to the spa so we can go over the new treatments we’re going to offer to guests.”

  “I’m willing to go, but honestly, I’m not really into any of that. It’s why I’ve put off working on it for so long. I don’t know how much help I’m going to be.”

  “You’ll do fine,” she said with a smile. “Besides, I need a man’s opinion for research purposes.”

  The truth was, now that she was getting to know Blake, she was enjoying his company. She was looking for any reason she could come up with to spend more time with him.

  They arrived in the state-of-the-art building that was freshly painted a crisp white with marble pillars and floor-to-ceiling windows that looked out over the mountains. As they entered, she pointed out the new crystal chandeliers as well as the marble front desk where guests would check-in for their appointments.

  “What do you think?” she asked, hoping he approved.

  “It’s a marked improvement from the spa that was shoved at the back of the gym. This will definitely appeal to a more high-end clientele.”

  “Good, that’s exactly what I was hoping for. Wait until you see the session rooms. They are amazing—people aren’t going to want to leave.”

  “Maybe they’ll book the whole place out for the day then,” Blake teased. “My dad would love that. Then maybe he would get off my back about this place.”

  “Is he really that bad?”

  Blake shrugged. “I wouldn’t put it that way. It’s more like he can’t help himself but to strive for perfection in every aspect of his life, so he expects it of his sons, too. It’s kind of a hard standard to live up to.”

  “But you’re a multi-winning gold-medalist Olympian. You’ve already proven you meet the standard, and then some.”

  “One would think, but it’s different with my dad. Ever since my mom died, he poured himself into work. He doesn’t get it that not all of his son’s want to do the same. I mean I spent over a decade of my life pouring myself into running, I kind of just want to relax a bit now.”

  “I get that. I’ve done the same thing with my business. I knew if I was going to make it a success, I would have to give every inch of myself, which didn’t really leave room for anything else. Now that I’m so close to opening my own wellness center, I’m starting to see a bit of light on the other side of it. It would be nice to be settle into a less hectic pace.”

  Cindy Winslow, the newest hire hand-picked by Peyton to run the spa, rushed up to them with a giant smile on her face. “Good afternoon, Peyton.” Then glancing at Blake, she added, “Mr. Witlock.”

  “You can call me Blake.”

  The sophisticated, brunette woman nodded. “I have the new signature line of treatments we’ll be offering exclusively here at the Aurora Spa ready to show you. Why don’t you both go in here and change into the robes I have laid out for you.”

  Peyton and Blake entered the temporary changing area, as the construction crew hadn’t finished the session areas which would have separate changing areas for each guest or couple.

  “Turn around,” Peyton gestured with her hand.

  Blake complied as she quickly took off her outfit down to her undergarments and then slipped on the plush white rob.

  “Who picked the name for the new spa?” B
lake asked, while she assumed he was changing into his own robe.

  “I did,” Peyton admitted as she secured her robe and turned around. “After the Northern Lights. I figured everyone is so fascinated with them, we might as well capitalize on it.” Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a glimpse of Blake’s chiseled chest that looked smooth and golden, beckoning to be touched.

  “It’s smart,” Blake conceded, his voice causing her to blush and look away. She was grateful that he either didn’t notice or decided not to embarrass her about her gawking at him. “I’ve had similar ideas about adding star-gazing tours, but have always been worried about broaching the subject with my dad. He wouldn’t think it has any reason to be in the section of the fitness area of the resort.”

  “Why? He wants you to take charge. You should do what you think best. If you want star-gazing, we can add a tour as one of the excursions for the wellness program. Nature and fresh air are at the top of the list for helping in recovery and maintaining health.”

  “Really? You think guests would be interested in it?”

  “Absolutely, who wouldn’t want to cuddle with their sweetheart under the stars in Alaska?”

  As soon as she asked the question, she realized it made it sound like she would want that. She wondered if he thought she was hinting at the fact she wouldn’t mind doing that with him. Did he feel the same? Before she could ponder it further, Cindy knocked on the door.

  “Are you two ready?”

  They came back out and Cindy explained their first treatment on the agenda. “We’re going to start with the Daybreak Manicure and Pedicure which will be our premium pedicure at $300. With the mixture of white chocolate strawberry truffle and organic rose petals infused with the water we import from the Hawaiian waterfalls at the Aloha Resort, guests are going to love it.”

  “My dad knows the owner of that place,” Blake said with surprise. “They’ve been friends for years. How did you end up picking them to supply the water here?”

  “I helped set up their spa and wellness center. It’s how your father heard about me.”

  “Is that so,” Blake said with an approving grin. “You really have gotten around.” Then his eyes grew wide, as he quickly added, “With your job, I meant with your job.”

  Peyton let out a laugh and shook her head. “It’s okay, Blake. I knew what you meant.”

  A couple of the pedicure stations were available and they climbed into the plush leather chairs, then placed their feet into the water basins. While their feet soaked, Peyton handed a list over to Blake. “These are going to be the top of the line treatments. They can get the Aurora Borealis Ultimate Experience for $5,000 per person but they can also pick and choose what they like a la carte.”

  —The Dawn Cleanse: a 60-minute cleansing treatment including water therapy and a calming cocoon of organic seaweed gel that exfoliates and renews the skin. $400

  —Eos Caviar Conditioner and Blow Out: caviar flown in from France and used in a truffle based conditioner, created to give lush texture and rich color along with a professional cut and style by one of the salon’s elite hair artists. $600

  — Daybreak Manicure and Pedicure: 60-minute soak in white chocolate strawberry truffle and organic rose petals infused with the water imported from Hawaiian waterfalls. $600

  —First Light Treatment: an 80-minute relaxing experience including a 50 minute Thai oil and herbs massage and a 30-minute botanical scalp treatment of wild lime. $500

  —Sunrise Gold Facial: 30-minute Galvanic current treatment that will sculpt the face and neck along with a 30-minute facial that uses 24-karat gold leaf mask to hydrate and add nutrients to the skin along with an omega 6 treatment for the eyes. $700

  —Aurora-Listic Bath: 1000 liters of Hawaiian waterfalls in a marble tub for two filled with golden Gerber daises. While relaxing in the water, enjoy salmon lollipops, Godiva chocolates, and foie gras. $2200

  “Wow, this is impressive, as good as any spa offerings I’ve seen while traveling.”

  “And how many spas have you been to?”

  He shrugged. “Not me as much as my Step-Monster. She would constantly go on-and-on about all the different ones she tried and wanted to on her next trip. She’s seen the inside of more spas than any one woman I’ve ever known.”

  “Really? Sounds like she spent more time in them than with you and your brothers.” Then realizing it was none of her business, she quickly apologized. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

  “No, you’re right. It was tough after losing my mom. I was only four, and when my dad married, Mara, I thought I would at least have someone to read me a bedtime story and tuck me in at night. But that was definitely not Mara; she’s not the tucking in type. She let the nannies take care of that.”

  Once they were done with their manicures and pedicures, Cindy suggested that they try out the new Galvanic current treatment. They made their way into the room where the cutting-edge machine was sitting next to two leather massage tables.

  Blake’s face turned white as he looked at all the wires and the mask that would go over his face. “What is all this?”

  “It’s part of the treatment. Your entire face and upper torso is wrapped so the wires can conduct the current through them and into your body,” Cindy explained.

  “Are you okay, Blake?” Peyton asked with concern.

  “Sure, I’m fine,” he clipped out as he quickly laid down on the table, then gripped the edge with his hands.

  Peyton laid down next to him on the other table, continuing to glance over at him, worried that he might bolt at any moment. What was wrong with him? She’d never seen him act like this before.

  Cindy brought the wraps over to Peyton first, but she put up her hand and used her finger to beckon the other woman closer. She leaned down to Peyton and whispered, “What is it?”

  “I think you should start with Blake first, just in case I have to calm him down.”

  “Do you think that will be necessary?”

  Peyton glanced over at Blake, who’s legs were shaking now in a way that made her wonder if she should just call this part of the time at the spa off. Before she could do that though, Blake called out, “How much longer do I need to wait?”

  “I’m starting right now,” Cindy promised as she came over and placed the first layer around his body.

  Blake immediately flinched, as if he was hit with a hammer. As Cindy continued, his grip on the table tightened to the point Peyton was sure he was going to break the sides of it—despite it being metal. By the time Cindy was placing the final wrap around his face, Blake was groaning in what sounded like a mixture of discomfort and fear. Peyton was certain this was a bad idea. She stood up and pulled her robe securely around her. “You don’t look so good Blake. Are you going to pass out?”

  “I might. I don’t know why I agreed to this with me being claustrophobic,” he mumbled from the small slit in the wrap for his mouth. “What I won’t do to impress a lady.”

  “Cindy, you need to take him out of that, right now,” Peyton demanded as she reached out and started undoing the wraps from his face to help the process move faster.

  A few minutes later, Blake was free and sitting up drinking a double Macallan single malt scotch. “Man, remind me to never do that again.”

  “Got it. Blake ‘The Blazing Comet’ Witlock is afraid of any spa treatment involving something wrapping his body,” she teased. “I never knew you had such a hang-up. Here I was, thinking you were invincible. I never would have suspected a body wrap was your kryptonite.”

  “Hey now, I never confessed to being Superman,” Blake said, standing up and stretching his arms over his head, then letting them rest on his hips like the comic book superhero. “I might look like him and all, but I can assure you that I can’t lift a car over my head or stop a bullet with my body.”

  “But I wonder if you’re faster than a speeding train,” she teased with a wink.

  “Maybe, I’ve never raced one,” he
joked back.

  “I have decided one thing from your experience. We need to put a warning label for guests on the Galvanic treatment that it can induce panic like a baby,” she jested one last time.

  “Alright, that’s enough of that,” he said, reaching out and grabbing her around the waist. He pulled her towards him and his mouth descended to hers.

  For a moment, she was positive he was going to kiss her, but before it could happen, Cindy walked back into the room. Her eyes darted between Peyton and Blake. “Should I come back later?”

  Peyton quickly stepped back, averting her eyes. “No, we need to finish up going over the rest of the items on the list.”

  “I’ll go set up the massage room,” Cindy offered, obviously uncomfortable with what she just walked in on.

  “There’s more?” Blake whined. “I think I’ve earned a break. Besides, I trust your judgment Peyton. You know what you’re doing.”

  “How about this, we finish up with the massage. You’ve earned it and it will relax you before we clock off for the rest of the night.”

  “What type of ending do I get with it?” Blake asked, with raised eyebrows and a smirk.

  “I hope you don’t mean what I think you mean, Mr. Witlock. This isn’t that type of place and I’m definitely not that type of woman,” Peyton admonished, though part of her suspected he was just trying to get a reaction out of her.

  “I guess if we’re doing it together, I’m in,” Blake relented. “Even if I don’t get the happy ending I want.”

  Once they were situated on the massage tables, two massage technicians entered the room and started to work on both of them. Within a few minutes, Peyton was relaxing and letting her mind drift off. Tantalizing images of Blake’s lips drifting towards hers came back into her mind, and it was all she could do to not moan out loud.

  “I have to admit this feels pretty great. I mean, I’ve had plenty of rub downs after a meet or workout, but this is completely different.”

  “Is there anything that would make it more relaxing?” Peyton probed.


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